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«Ok my nickname isn't meant to paint a certain image of me. Friends out here in the country nicknamed me that 'cause as an Engineer I fix any problem they have . Ok that was my introduction so now I decided to write a comment on this video because out of all the beach videos I have seen, she is a very pretty and very sexy woman thus one of my favorite beach vids. I'd love to just meet her ( and of course her husband, no disrespect) but I'm in Ontario Canada so my chances are likely very slim. [email protected]»
«Ok my nickname isn't meant to paint a certain image of me. Friends out here in the country nicknamed me that 'cause as an Engineer I fix any problem they have . Ok that was my introduction so now I decided to write a comment on this video because out of all the beach videos I have seen, she is a very pretty and very sexy woman thus one of my favorite beach vids. I'd love to just meet her ( and of course her husband, no disrespect) but I'm in Ontario Canada so my chances are likely very slim. [email protected]»